Interactive Shows

Our STEM shows are fun for all ages and can be easily differentiated for different age groups from preschool to high school.  Shows are best for groups of 20 or more.  For groups less than 20 I would recommend a party presentation.  The audience is a critical part of our interactive shows. Volunteers will participate to help demonstrate critical science concepts.  We will need a table and access to a sink and electricity.  We offer a flame free show for libraries and other venues that combines experiences from our Science is Magic and Air Show.  We can also offer an outdoor show with a couple of extra messy demonstrations.  If you need a flame free show I combine activities and demonstrations from Science is Magic and my Air Show.

Pricing:  $300 for a 60 minute show.  You can add a 60 min activity station at a discount for $75.  

If you are a library or you are with scouting, make sure to ask for a special discount.

Science is Magic

In the Science is Magic show we will explore the science and engineering behind some simple and easy to do magic tricks and learn how we use the scientific method to solve mysteries.  Be amazed as you learn how to use polymers to make liquids disappear and dazzle the audience with the chemistry of flash paper.  Make things float in mid air and watch chemistry make colors change right before your eyes.  Explore the properties of liquids, solids and gasses with some amazing dry ice experiments.  

Crazy Colin’s Air Show

Lets learn all about the power of air!  Watch as we use the properties of high and low pressure air to rescue a shell shocked friend in the classic egg in a bottle demo.  Learn how to use Bernoulli's principle to make a ping pong ball float in mid air and then supersize it with a leaf blower and beach ball.  Learn how powerful the air around you is when you watch it implode cans.  Send rings of fog flying over the audience with our super sized vortex generator.  Some lucky and brave volunteers will even get to float on a cushion of air on our DYI hovercraft.  

Keep an eye out for our new  Cool Chemistry and Fantastic Physics show, available as soon as I build a new catapult. :)